Publication details

Právní analýza digitalizace audiovizuálního kulturního dědictví

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Title in English Legal Analysis of Digitalization of Audiovisual Cultural Heritage

MYŠKA Matěj COLLETT Dominika

Year of publication 2020
Type Research report
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

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Description This research report analyses the legal aspects of the digitization of the audiovisual cultural heritage, focusing primarily on the copyright aspects of the issue under examination and the impact of the adopted Directive (EU) 2019/790 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 April 2019 on copyright and related rights in the digital single market. By a critical analysis of avail- able legislation and case law and taking into account the available conclusions of domestic and foreign jurisprudence the research report answers the research question of how the digitization of audiovisual cultural heritage is reflected in the national law. It focuses specifically on the following issues: a) who can legally perform digitization on the basis of exceptions and restrictions, respectively on the basis of the authorization obtained from the collective management organization, b) with what intangible protected subject matter such digitization can be performed and c) in what way and under what conditions. Finally, it addresses practical copyright issues arising in all phases of broadly conceived digitization, i.e. in the acquisition, preservation and communication of audiovisual cultural heritage to the public.
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