Publication details

Analýza faktorů ovlivňujících motivace kvalifikovaných cizinců k hledání uplatnění ve své profesi v Jihomoravském kraji

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Title in English Analysis of factors influencing the motivation of qualified foreigners to seek employment in their profession in the South Moravian Region


Year of publication 2020
Type Research report
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description The research report presents the results of research on identifying the needs of expatriates within the South Moravian Region and the barriers that impede to highly qualified foreigners from remaining in Brno and the South Moravian Region for a longer time. The research report summarizes the conclusions of partial research activities. The introductory chapter "Research context and theoretical approaches" deals with the context of research and theoretical concepts in relation to the topic of research. The next chapter entitled "Highly qualified migration and expatriates in South Moravia and Brno" focuses on the quantification of the phenomenon based on the analysis of statistical data and analysis of BEC clients, it deals with the issue of highly qualified migration / expatriates within the city of Brno. The most comprehensive chapter, entitled "BEC Client Needs Analysis", presents the results of several research surveys that focuse on the needs of highly qualified migrants / expatriates. The aim of the needs analysis was to find out the real needs of expatriates living and working in the South Moravian Region and in Brno, and analysis was processed using both a quantitative and a qualitative approach. The results of the questionnaire survey The Great Brno Expat Survey are included, followed by verification of the functionality of the typology of expatriates and the results of the analysis of individual and group interviews with expatriates. The chapter "Structures of motivations to stay or further migration" summarizes the results of qualitative research. It focused on determining the motivations of highly qualified migrants to stay in the city / region or migrate. The religious aspects of the life of expatriates and their social ties are addressed in the chapter "Creating a new home: A community of faith and social ties between Brno expatriates". The research report concludes with recommendations for the application for the Brno Expat Center and a summarise the most important findings. The research report has 8 chapters, include appendices, lists of graphs, tables, maps and pictures.
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