Publication details

Kulatý stůl "Implementace digitálních technologií do výuky na ZŠ a SŠ v předmětu Hudební výchova II"

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Title in English Round-table Discussion "Implementation of Digital Technologies in Teaching at Primary and Secondary Schools in the Subject Music Education II"

MUSIL Ondřej SEDLÁČEK Marek MUSIL Jaroslav

Year of publication 2020
Type Workshop
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description Teaching and discussion meeting of the participants of the second round table at the Department of Music Education, Faculty of Education, Masaryk University to acquaint primary and secondary school teachers with the practical outputs of the project „Support for the Digital Literacy Development“. The current state of the project was discussed, as well as the direction of digital literacy according to the Ministry of Education, the outputs of the project in the form of digital educational resources (DVZ) for music education and defining obstacles in their introduction into teaching and work with modern technologies by teachers and students.
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