Publication details

Affirmation und Infragestellung des literarischen (Deutungs-)Kanons in gegenwärtigen tschechischen Theaterproduktionen – eine Fallstudie

Title in English Affirmation and questioning of the literary (interpretive) canon in contemporary Czech theater productions - a case study


Year of publication 2020
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Aussiger Beiträge. Germanistische Schriftenreihe aus Forschung und Lehre
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

web Herausgeber: Institut für Germanistik, Philosophische Fakultät der Jan-Evangelista-Purkyně-Universität in Ústí nad Labem, seit 2015 erscheint die Zeitschrift im Praesens Verlag
Keywords literary canon; interpretation canon; post-dramatic theater; contemporary theater; New Messenger
Description Since then Thomas Anz in 1998 his classification of the canon term published, this is considered the basis of scientific canon debates and opens up current topics and perspectives for further research. If one considers the various forms of social realization of the literary canons through the prism of the pairs of terms designed by Anz, then dividing lines become clear that had remained unnoticed until then are. Based on the comparison of 'material canon' and 'interpretation canon' questions about institutionalization of the material canon by the educational institutions on the one hand and according to the confirmation or questioning of the canon of interpretation by the performative practice in current theater productions on the other hand. This article examines the questions mentioned above by adding various theater productions in Brno from 2010–2020 with a view to the affirmation or the questioning of the canonized interpretation of the texts will be analyzed.

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