Publication details

Dílová metoda u náhrady na výživu pozůstalých po příslušníkovi ve služebním poměru

Title in English Partial method for compensation for the maintenance of survivors of a member in a service relationship


Year of publication 2021
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Soukromé právo
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

web Repozitář MU
Keywords The Entitlement on the Compensation for the Bereaved; the Service Relationship Case-law; the Method of Dividing Income; Comparative Calculation
Attached files
Description The Compensation for the Bereaved after a Bread Winner in Service Relationship is a regular allowance that is usually being paid as long as the dependence of the bereaved lasts. The article deals with a situation, when the entitlement emerged according to the former legislation effective before 1st January 2007. There is a brief outline of the governing legislation and a proposal of the solution, that should by adopted in accordance with the current case-law of the Administrative Courts.

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