Publication details

Dvě hemisféry – dva světy. O vztahu asymetrie mozku a trendů v současné západní společnosti

Title in English Two hemispheres – two worlds. On the relationship between a brain asymmetry and trends in the contemporary western society


Year of publication 2020
Type Monograph
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description The monograph elaborates on Iain McGilchrist’s theory of hemispheric asymmetry. The author identifies the main reasons for believing in the significance of the difference between the two brain hemispheres and he explicates specific ways in which they differ (mostly) on the functional level. With these dissimilarities in mind, he explores McGilchrist’s proposition that right-hemispheric ways of cognitive functioning should be in some way dominant over left-hemispheric functioning. This claim could be defended insofar as the right hemisphere operates in a more integrative manner (whereas the left hemisphere in a more exclusive manner) and its dominance is therefore needed for an optimal utilization of the advantages of both hemispheres. In the most comprehensive part of the book the author tries to identify the most salient features of our society and he speculates how these relate to hemispheric differences. He finds a surprising convergence of unilateral dominance. The key features of our society – i.e. technologization, quantification, individualism – seem all to be more in tune with the left-hemispheric way of functioning. As could be expected from the theoretical perspective, there also seems to be a strong link between these left-hemispheric societal features and the most pressing problems of our society – an ecological crisis, a social inequality, a crisis of community and a rise of mental illness. He concludes with some preliminary suggestions for establishing a more balanced society and review limitations of the presented theory.
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