Publication details

On semidirectly closed non-aperiodic pseudovarieties of finite monoids

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Year of publication 2020
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Keywords pseudovarieties of finite monoids; pseudovarieties of finite groups; semidirect products of monoids; semidirectly closed pseudovarieties; finite inverse monoids; finite aperiodic monoids; finite R-trivial monoids; finite p-groups; solvable groups
Description It is shown that, for every prime number p, the complete lattice of all semidirectly closed pseudovarieties of finite monoids whose intersection with the pseudovariety G of all finite groups is equal to the pseudovariety Gp of all finite p-groups has the cardinality of the continuum. Furthermore, it is shown, in addition, that the complete lattice of all semidirectly closed pseudovarieties of finite monoids whose intersection with the pseudovariety G of all finite groups is equal to the pseudovariety Gsol of all finite solvable groups has also the cardinality of the continuum.
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