Publication details

Поэтика новеллистического цикла Оты Павела «Смерть прекрасных косуль»

Title in English “Poetics of Ota Pavel's short story cycle "Death of Beautiful Roe Deer”


Year of publication 2020
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference ?????????? ? ????????? ?????????????
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords prose cycle; short story; autobiographical prose; repetitive motives; narrator's image; genre
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Description The article examines the autobiographical prose of the Czech writer Ota Pavel (1930 -1973), seven short stories depicting the image of his father, the tragic pages of whose life are associated with the period of the German occupation of Czechoslovakia. The study of active cycle-forming factors (the unity of the problematics, repeating motives, composition, the specificity of the subject organization) allows us to draw conclusions about the author's perception of reality in entirety of its cause-and-effect relationships. This can be achieved by the cyclical thinking of the writer and his skills of storytelling.
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