Publication details

Plži přírodní rezervace Draplavý v CHKO Beskydy

Title in English Gastropods of the Draplavý Nature Reserve in the Beskydy PLA

COUFAL Radovan

Year of publication 2020
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Malacologica Bohemoslovaca
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Keywords faunistics; Gastropoda; Moravia; Beskydy Protected Landscape Area
Description The Draplavý Nature Reserve is located in the northeastern part of the Beskydy PLA, near the Staré Hamry Town. The subject of protection is a gulch eroded in mostly calcium-rich flysch bedrock by the Draplavý Brook, where the tree composition is rather natural, while in the surroundings a spruce monoculture is present. During the survey in 2020, 32 species were recorded (31 terrestrial and 1 aquatic). In total, 36 species (35 terrestrial and 1 aquatic) are known from the area. The species composition consisted predominantly of forest dwellers (27; 75%), followed by euryoecious (4; 11%), hygrophilous (4; 11%) and aquatic (1; 3%) species. The most remarkable species are Daudebardia brevipes (VU), Vitrea transsylvanica (VU), and Macrogastra tumida, although all mentioned taxa occur in very low abundances.

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