Publication details

Comparison of Static Perspective Views and 2D Maps – The Role of Age, Spatial Abilities, and Task Nature

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Year of publication 2020
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Proceedings of 27th Central European Conference: (Teaching) Regional Geography
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Keywords 3D cartography; spatial abilities; thematic 3D map; user testing
Description In this study, we focus on the usability of pseudo-3D thematic maps (static perspective views) compared with their conventional 2D equivalents. A total of 105 study participants were divided into two groups (12–19 years old and 20–27 years old). A Perspective Taking Test measured their spatial abilities and each participant solved 15 tasks using four thematic maps. We compared map variants to determine which is more suitable for individual tasks. We then examined the differences between the two age groups and tried to find any relationship between the user’s spatial abilities and the number of correct answers. We observed a significant difference regarding the map’s visualization dimension only in one particular task and significant differences between the age groups when they worked with 2D maps. We found a positive correlation between the participant’s level of spatial ability and the number of correct answers.
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