Publication details

Nicolaus Zangius : hudebník přelomu 16. a 17. století : na stopě neznámému

Title in English Nicolaus Zangius : the musician at the turn of the 16th and 17th centuries : the life of an unknown

MAŇAS Vladimír

Year of publication 2020
Type Monograph
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description The publication traces in a microhistorical way the fate and work of Nicolaus Zangius (ca. 1568 – 1617), a Kapellmeister in Iburg, Danzig, at the Liechtenstein court in Moravia and finally in Berlin. Between 1602 and 1612 he also held the position of a servant at the Emperor’s court in Prague. The book reflects Zangius’ career and his position or social status in the society of the early seventeenth century. It includes a discussion on his printed (and yet not always published) works. The book deals closely with the life of Charles of Liechtenstein (1569-1627), one of the wealthiest Moravian aristocrats and the governor of Moravia in the years 1604 to 1607. As a part of his court, he established a music ensemble and appointed Nicolaus Zangius as its head.
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