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Souhrnná výzkumná zpráva k dopadům restriktivních opatření proti šíření covid-19 na zaměstnanost

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Title in English Summary research report on the employment effects of restrictive measures against the spread of covid-19

ZINDULKOVÁ Kristina KIMMICH Christian ČERNÝ Martin

Year of publication 2020
Type Research report
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

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Description The result summarizes research findings based on the use of the input-output model developed within the IMPACTECH project. It evaluates the expected impacts of measures on the development of labor demand by compiling scenarios of the possible development of demand reduction in individual sectors - depending on the procedure and intensity of measures against the spread of covid-19. The applied approach can assess the possible increase in unemployment (or, for example, growth in demand for labor caused by a possible decrease in foreign workers), which can be expected depending on the degree of change or decline in demand and thus decline in production by industry.
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