Publication details

Nomadismo e inmovilidad en el teatro mexicano contemporáneo

Title in English Nomadism and Immobility in Contemporary Mexican Drama


Year of publication 2020
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Colindancias
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords Latin American Theatre; Mexican Theatre; Nomadism; Alejandro Ricano; Legom
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Description The article offers an interpretation of several recent pieces by Alejandro Ricanno and Luis Enrique Gutiérrez Ortiz Monasterio (Legom) based on the attitude of these works towards particular phenomena of the era of globalization such as neo-nomadism or deterritorialization. More specifically, the study shows how the other side of the coin of these phenomena is dramatized: the forced and blamed localization of groups excluded from globalization processes. The approach starts from the assumption that the theater of the Fonca Generation is characterized by a political attitude that is based on dialogue with the public and the presence of reality on stage.
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