Publication details

Non-utilitarian school


ROZBOŘIL Blahoslav DANĚK Josef

Year of publication 2019
Type Original works of art
Description Collection of authorial texts by the duo Daněk & Rozbořil, published on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of their project “Non-Utilitarian Pedagogy”. In addition to the old texts intended for a stage performance, the book also contains new texts, developing the idea of the “education towards uselessness”. Based on comic paradoxes and grotesque speculation, this art project “dresses into the guise of a pedagogical system for education of useless people”. Behind the humorous claims, however, one can clearly feel the peculiar critique of pragmatic society and the philosophical-economic ideas that support it. The pictorial component of the publication documents a legendary performance from the early 1990s, props used in performances, as well as anatomic drawings by Josef Daněk.

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