Publication details

Příprava kartelového zákona č. 141/1933 Sb. z. a n.

Title in English xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Year of publication 2020
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference VIII. česko-slovenské právněhistorické setkání doktorandů a postdoktorandů: sborník z konference
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

web Open access sborníku
Keywords xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Description This paper follows up the preparation works that preceded implementation of the Cartel Act in Czechoslovakia in 1933. It covers legislative attempts in both, Austria-Hungary and the First Czechoslovak Republic. The primal focus of this paper is on the development that took place between the implementation of the Koalitionsgesetz of 1870 which was the first legal act that stated nullity of excessive cartel agreements and the Czechoslovak Cartel Act of 1933. The paper mostly deals with differences among individual proposals which usually resided in the question of supervision of the cartels, whereas it should be supervised by specialized body, the government or by the independent commission.
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