Publication details

Strategický plán pro postupné odstraňování bariér 2021-2030

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Title in English Strategic Plan for the Gradual Removal of Barriers 2021-2030

OSMAN Robert ŠERÝ Ondřej KAPLAN Daniel

Year of publication 2020
Type Outcomes implemented by the provider
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Description The Strategic Plan for the Gradual Removal of Barriers is a medium-term strategic document that serves primarily for the needs of the Advisory Board of the Brno City Council for Barrier-Free Brno. The main goal is to create an accessible environment in the city of Brno and to build a system for removing existing barriers and not creating new ones. The document has a classic structure of three parts - analytical, design and implementation. The design part consists of three priorities. The first priority is called processional and addresses how to set up system processes, the second priority is called realisation and addresses how to proceed proactively, and the third priority is educational and addresses how to effectively popularize accessibility.
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