Publication details

Děti na míru, nebo pod míru? Etika genetické selekce zdravotně postižených potomků při in vitro fertilizaci

Title in English Designer babies the wrong way? The Ethics of Selecting For Disability


Year of publication 2021
Type Requested lectures
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description The talk focuses on the contemporary controversy regarding the use of IVF and PGD in order to select for a child with a disability. Emphasis is paid on a particular disability – deafness. The defenders of the alleged right to select for deafness claim that a) congenial deafness is not a disability, but cultural identity, b) it does not constitute harm, but benefit, c) the selected child is metaphysically impossible to harm due to the non-identity problem. The talk focuses on these arguments and the attitude of the so called "privileged majority" to the effect that such practice is deeply immoral is defended.
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