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Je to „jen“ asistentka: Dobrá praxe a spolupráce s asistenty/kami pedagoga v inkluzivním vzdělávání z pohledu praktiků v České republice

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Title in English She is "just" an Assistant: Good Practice and Cooperation between Teacher Assistants and Teachers in Inclusive Education from the Perspective of Practitioners


Year of publication 2020
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description Inclusive education remains a hot topic in political debates in the Czech Republic, and the repeal of the 2016 amendment is sometimes discussed. This lack of political support causes confusion among schools and complicates the general introduction of inclusion. Currently, the real rate of inclusion varies from school to school depending on the principals or the interests of the founder (municipality). The paper focuses on the current situation of teacher assistants (TAs) in the classroom and at school with regard to the implementation of inclusive education. We examine the perspectives of practitioners (teachers, school leaders, assistants, etc.) on the cooperation of teachers and TAs in the classroom, the overall position of TAs in schools, as well as basic policies as reflected by practitioners. Central to the analysis are the uncertainties regarding the responsibilities of the TAs and the structure determining their position. The paper focuses on the ways in which schools address this situation and offers preliminary findings focused mainly on school best practices, which may be useful for other schools moving towards inclusive education.
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