Publication details

Gregor Mendel: Die Windhose vom 13.Oktober 1870. Mit einem Essay von Erwin Uhrmann und Illustrationen von Johanna Uhrmann. Limbus, 2021. [Rezension]

Title in English Gregor Mendel: Die Windhose vom 13.Oktober 1870. Mit einem Essay von Erwin Uhrmann und Illustrationen von Johanna Uhrmann. Limbus, 2021. [Review]


Year of publication 2021
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description But Mendel did not give up, continued his research despite these setbacks and became one of the most important researchers of the 19th century. While the report on the Brno tornado reveals Mendel's fascination with the mechanisms of nature, Uhrmann's essay sketches him as an observer, researcher - and visionary.
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