Publication details

O výjimkových frázích v češtině

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Title in English On exceptive phrases in Czech


Year of publication 2021
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Slovo a slovesnost
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords exceptions; exceptive phrases; formal semantics; Czech
Description Exceptive phrases are a group of expressions used to indicate that something is an exception (e.g. English except Mars, Czech kromě Marsu). Some of these expressions are ambiguous: either they can subtract something from a particular set or they can add something to it. For these two types of phrases, this paper introduces the terms extractive exceptive phrases and additive ex- ceptive phrases, respectively. The core of this paper is the examination of the semantic and syntactic properties of both types of exceptive phrases in Czech, with a focus on phrases headed by the ambig­uous expression kromě. We build our analysis on the basis of the description of exceptive phrases provided by the formal semantics literature. Our investigation leads us to the conclusion that the Czech language has, in fact, two distinct expressions of kromě with different grammatical properties.
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