Publication details

Njakoi specifiki pri prepodavane na bălgarski ezik kato čužd (s akcent vărchu leksikata i frazeologijata)

Title in English Some specifics in teaching Bulgarian as a foreign language (focusing on vocabulary and phraseology)


Year of publication 2020
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Filologičeski forum
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords language transfer; language interference; error; lexis; phraseology; Slavic languages
Attached files
Description The text presents some aspects of mutual influences, inter-language transfer and interference in the process of teaching a related (Slavic) language to Slavs. These language processes are observed on the material both in the initial phase of learning Bulgarian as a foreign language and in the more advanced ones. The text deals with the inter-lingual influences between Czech and Bulgarian in terms of bilingualism and linguicidactics. The text focuses mainly on errors in lexis and phraseology

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