Publication details

Workshop politické imaginace: Reflexe vlivů výzkumu na participující

Title in English Workshop in political imagination: Reflection on researcher’s influence on participants


Year of publication 2020
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Biograf
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

web Domovská stránka časopisu Biograf
Keywords Research design; research ethics; position of the researcher; values; consensus; agonism
Description Doing research creates complex ethical situations with which we need to grapple. The research design discussed in this article was supposed to lead the participants to create an ideal vision of future society and reflect their values. Instead, it led to the affirmation of participants’ values. Ester began a conversation with Pavel and Terezie regarding the ethical aspects of research, vis-a-vis this particular research project as well as in general, by asking whether it is ethical to design research which confirms values that are ethically disagreeable to the researcher. Through the conversation, the authors discussed the ethics of research not only towards participants but also in relation to the researcher and society. While it is inevitable that research influences participants, it does not imply that every research activity must aim at influencing the values of participants, nor that it cannot do so if sufficiently reflected. Each author added their views. Terezie scrutinised the research design and proposed potential design improvements. Pavel contributed with ‘not only/but also’ logic of research and the ‘tripartite impossibility’ in relation to research ethics. At the end, Ester returned to her research project and reflected whether it would be ethical for her to conduct it if redesigned.
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