Publication details

K povaze „krizových opatření“, odpovědnosti za škodu a ochraně subjektivních práv (2. část)

Title in English The Nature of 'Crisis Measures', Liability for Damage and the Protection of Subjective Rights (Part 2)


Year of publication 2021
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Právní rozhledy
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

web Repozitář MU
Keywords pandemic; covid-19; executive power; crisis measures; activities of public administration; juditial review; liability for damage
Attached files
Description During the extensive response of the Czech Republic to the covid-19 pandemic, certain legal instruments aimed at protecting public health are applied. By far the most important tool seems to be the measures of certain executive bodies under the Emergency Act. However, for these "crisis measures", their legal nature is ambiguous, which has practical implications for some related issues. The first part of the text deals in more detail with the nature of "crisis measures" as forms of public administration activity and the basic procedural and content requirements. The second and third parts then focus on some related issues, namely liability for damage (part 2 of the text) and the protection of subjective rights, in particular through judicial review of these measures (part 3 of the text).

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