Publication details

Post-socialistická transformace základních škol ve vzpomínkách učitelů : Jak se ptát na změny v každodenním životě?

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Title in English Post-socialist transformation of primary schools in the memories of teachers : how to ask to the changes in everyday life?


Year of publication 2021
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description Our project aims to understand processes of educational system changes after the year 1989 in the broader context and cover changes in primary schools' everyday life. The pillar of the project is archive research and conducting oral history interviews with teachers and principals. The general task is to choose methodological approaches, which will allow to evidence changes in everyday life – e.g., in teaching methods, material equipment of schools and school leading or application of instructions of superior authorities. The paper presents strategies of interviewing and specifics of realizing the research during the pandemic.
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