Publication details

Umění art brut a terapie uměním

Title in English Art Brut and Arttherapy


Year of publication 2021
Type Requested lectures
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description The lecture deals with the essence of art brut art, which originated in the context of art history abroad and in today's Czech Republic. It contains basic definitions of this type of fine art, links to book and electronic sources, including the author's own books by the lecture Doc. Hana Stehlíková Babyrádová, Ph.D. The lesson includes samples from the works of selected domestic and foreign artists and quotes from their statements about their own work arising from interviews with some Czech art brut artists. It is an emphasis on personal experience not only with art brut creators, but also with collectors and curators of raw art exhibitions (Pavel Konečný, Anežka Šimková, Terezie Zemánková).
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