Publication details

Civis et exercitus: vztah mezi občanskými právy a existencí občanského (nebo kmenového) vojska

Title in English Civis et exercitus: the relationship between the civil (or tribal) army.


Year of publication 2021
Type Requested lectures
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description The analyzed and discussed topics of the workshop were: The description of the journey of ancient citizen-soldier, corresponding to the term Populus Romanus. The decline of Roman peasants and its impact on the army. Professionalization of army and its influence on the division of citizens into honestiores and humiliores. The citizenship in Late Antiquity. Barbarization of the army. Loss of liberty as the consequence of the missing relation citizen-soldier: citizens-exercitus. The comparison between the Barbarians and Romans: privileged professional troops. The journey from the tribe to the state. Reading of the fragments of Latin sources (narrative, juridical documents, inscriptions). Discussion on civic liberty.
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