Publication details

Koncepční východiska změny žaloby

Title in English Conceptual Foundations of Amendment of the Action


Year of publication 2020
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Žalobné právo. Zborník z medzinárodného vedeckého kongresu Trnavské právnické dni 2020
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

web Katalog MU
Keywords Civil procedure; Civil action; Amendment of the action; Subject of the dispute
Description Slovak Republic recently completed the recodification of civil procedural law, resulting in the adoption of the Civil Procedure Code and other procedural regulations. Now it is necessary to assess the first experiences gained in application practice. In the Czech Republic, work on recodification is still ongoing. This situation gives an opportunity to have a think about optimal construction of fundamental institutes of civil procedural law, namely from a theoretical and a comparative perspective. This is also done by the presented paper which deals with certain conceptual issues of amended action.

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