Publication details

Implementation of GIS in upper secondary curriculum in Czechia – current situation and future perspectives

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Year of publication 2021
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description Implementing GIS in the school curriculum is essential for modern geography as GIS is a powerful tool for presentation and visualization of spatial data. However, many Czech schools (both elementary and high schools) have problems with implementing the teaching with GIS into the tuition. The questionnaire survey with 94 Czech upper secondary and high school teachers and semi-structured interviews with nine of them revealed that the problems are usually not connected with material and technological equipment but with lack of methodological materials and teachers´ insufficient skills. Therefore, the paper aims to present a proposal for the GIS skills system (similar to the existing cartographic skills). This system is filled with tasks to support teaching and learning with GIS. The tasks are divided into six types of skills and three levels of cognitive complexity by each skill.
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