Publication details

(Ne)Ztraceno v překladu: Mediační úlohy v cizojazyčné výuce a jejich příprava

Title in English (Not) Lost in Translation: Mediation Tasks in Foreign Language Teaching and their Preparation


Year of publication 2021
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Cizí jazyky
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Keywords foreign language teaching; foreign language learning; mediation; mediation activities; mediation strategies; CEFR-Companion Volume; communicative approach; intercultural communicative competence; competency based learning
Description The present paper is the third in the thematic series (Not) Lost in Translation and focuses on the preparation of mediation activities for teaching (not only) the German language. The aim is to acquaint the reader with the typologies of mediation activities, introduce the principles that are desirable to take into account when creating the tasks, and also offer practical examples for different language levels. Last but not least, the article contains tips on literature and Internet resources, from which it is possible to draw inspiration for mediation exercises for beginners as well as for advanced learners.

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