Publication details

La narrativa breu de Maria Aurèlia Capmany. La responsabilitat de l’ésser

Title in English Short Stories by Maria Aurelia Capmany. The Responsibility of Being


Year of publication 2021
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Études romanes de Brno
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords short stories; Catalan literature from 20th century; narrators of the first part of the post-war period; Maria Aurelia Capmany; existentialism
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Description The aim of this paper is to uncover a new perspective on Maria Aurelia Capmany’s work. She has been widely known in the Catalan literature as a playwright and a novelist, but not so many people know that she wrote short stories as well. We will establish the importance of these works, we will suggest a chronology divided in several stages and we will describe their primary aspects, trying to relate these aspects through all her work. Above all, we will try to prove how the importance of existentialism in her thinking and in the stories that we have described as “stories of growth” marked this contribution to Catalan literature of the post-war period.
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