Publication details

Profesní portfolio a jeho přínos pro učitele

Title in English Professional portfolio and its benefit for teachers


Year of publication 2021
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Sborník z mezinárodní konference ICOLLE 2020. Úloha odborného vzdělávání v 21. století
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Keywords Portfolio; professional development; education; teacher
Description Public usually perceive the teaching profession as less valuable and even teachers themselves tend to underestimate it. Although according to research of the prestige of professions in the Czech Republic, the teaching profession is taking the fourth (academic teachers) and the fifth position (primary school teachers) (Tuček, 2019). The paper describes the portfolio as a possible tool for professional and even personal growth and for the evaluation of the quality of teachers work and increasing its prestige, also in a conjunction with its use in setting a standard of financial remuneration of teachers. The creation and integration of the professional portfolio into the self-assessment and assessment of teachers and schools is one of the international trends in education thus it play an important role in solving the problem of prestige of the teaching profession. Other part of the paper includes detection of current situation of using teaching portfolios by upperprimary school teachers and their awareness of its importance.

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