Publication details

Refugee-Related Political Violence in Asia and Africa



Year of publication 2021
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Central European Journal of International and Security Studies
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

web článek - open access
Keywords Africa; Asia; conflict; refugee; security; violence
Attached files
Description This work focuses on the analysis of one of the most discussed phenomenon of recent years, the reception of refugees. The authors of this work examine refugee-related political violence, a phenomenon that has not been explored in the last twenty years. The aim is to describe the occurrence of this phenomenon in cases from Asia and Africa. The individual incidents are categorised into six categories of political violence. The authors describe the type of political violence involving refugees for the last 15 years. They also analyse which type of violence is most common. At the same time, they devote to the analysis and description of frequency, intensity and persistence. They compare their findings with similar work that was published in 1998, and they explain why and what changes have occurred in the field of refugee-related political violence over the last 15 years.

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