Publication details

Proximal- or radial-based dorsal capsulotomy? The importance of a proper cadaver study



Year of publication 2021
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Hand Surgery and Rehabilitation
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Keywords dorsal capsulotomy; cadaver study
Description We read with great interest the article ‘A new capsulotomy-based dorsal approach to the wrist: A cadaver study’, where the authors described a modification of the commonly used approach. The new dorsal approach to the wrist joint, suggested by the authors, uses ‘U-shaped with proximal base’ capsulotomy. The ulnar longitudinal incision is made on the triquetral bone insertion of the dorsal intercarpal ligament (DICL) and dorsal radiocarpal ligament (DRCL). The radial border is located in the extension of the medial edge of the radial styloid process. Finally, the capsular flap is created with incision along the DICL. The authors considered capsular flap healing more effective by maintaining the vascular supply via the dorsal branches of the anterior interosseous artery. In addition, they described the dorsal radiocarpal arch (DRCA) running along the radiocarpal joint line while the dorsal intercarpal arch (DICA) followed a trajectory parallel to the distal insertion of the DICL. The terminal branches of the anterior interosseous artery were described as having a longitudinal course, anastomosing with both of the arterial arches.

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