Publication details

V zajatí diskurzov: homosexualita v českej tlači pred rozpadom Rakúsko-Uhorska (1909-1913)

Title in English In the Grip of Discourses: Homosexuality in the Czech Press Before the Dissolution of Austria-Hungary (1909-1913)

MAKO Michal

Year of publication 2021
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description The paper focused on the depiction of the phenomenon of homosexuality in the Czech press in the last years before the dissolution of the monarchist Austro-Hungarian Empire (1909-1913). Heteronormative media discourse on homosexuality was monitored and analyzed through this press. A critical discourse analysis inspired by the Austrian linguists Martin Reisigl and Ruth Wodak was used to capture and evaluate this heteronormative media discourse.
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