Publication details

Neural correlates of social exclusion in borderline personality disorder



Year of publication 2021
Type Conference abstract
Description Introduction: Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is associated with both increased sensitivity to social exclusion as well as negatively biased processing of non-exclusionary situations. This in turn aggravates other BPD symptoms and further complicates the social functioning and treatment of BPD patients. Cyberball is a computerized task designed to induce social exclusion in participants under laboratory conditions. In this task, the participant plays a ball-tossing game with two other players. The participant is unaware of the fact that these „players“ are in fact a computer script programmed to exclude the participant after the initial training period. The level of perceived social exclusion is assessed using Williams‘ 12-item ADNS scale. Brain imaging techniques like functional magnetic resonance (fMRI) or electroencephalography (EEG) are routinely utilized to study brain activity during the Cyberball task in various subject groups. While a number of Cyberball studies in BPD using fMRI have been conducted, the studies using EEG are rather scarce. Methods: The current study aims to search for electrophysiological abnormalities in BPD patients during the Cyberball task. To this end, we employed high-density EEG in BPD patients and healthy control subjects (HC). A previous study found task-induced differences in frontal alpha asymmetry metrics between BPD patients and HC subjects during social exclusion. Frontal alpha asymmetry is thought to signify a general approach – withdrawal motivational response. In our study, we aim to replicate previous frontal alpha asymmetry findings in our patient sample. Summary Increased sensitivity to social exclusion negatively affects social functioning and treatment of BPD. The Cyberball task allows us to study social exclusion under controlled laboratory conditions. In our study, we used a high-density EEG design to capture brain activity during the Cyberball task. Expected Results: We expect increased frontal alpha asymmetry in BPD during social exclusion compared to healthy control subjects. This work was supported by the grant Ministry of Health of the CR NU20-04-00410.
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