Publication details

Anti-choice versus Pro-choice: Ultra-konzervativní a liberální trendy v gynekologické praxi

Title in English Anti-Choice versus Pro-Choice: Ultra-conservatism and Liberalism in Gynecology


Year of publication 2021
Type Requested lectures
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description This invited presentation uncovers current initiatives of ultra-conservative forces in Europe and North America to ban abortion (alongside assisted reproduction, contraception, prenatal diagnostics, etc.) in the name of restoring the natural order and „pro-life“ attitude. It uncovers what restoring the natural order is really about and exposes the false dichotomy of „pro-life“ versus „pro-choice,“ while it should be dichotomy „anti-choice“ versus „pro-choice.“ It shows „anti-choice‘“s totalitarianism, inconsistency, hypocrisy, and consequences it leads to. It further shows that „pro-life“ is actually „anti-women,“ an attempt to control women, their bodies, their lives, and defends itself against a possible objection of the other side that „pro-choice“ is „anti-children,“ which is not. The presentation concludes by stating that human rights generally and sexual and reproductive rights particularly are hard to win but easy to lose. And Europe, which managed to achieve unprecedented progress in this sphere, needs to fight hard to preserve these rights.
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