Publication details

Časný kolorektální karcinom (klinická stádia I. a II.) – diagnostika a léčba

Title in English Early colorectal cancer (clinical stages I and II) - diagnosis and treatment

ZAVORAL Miroslav HOCH Jiří KISS Igor VÁLEK Vlastimil URBAN Ondřej SUCHÁNEK Štěpán GREGA Tomáš VAŇHOVÁ Monika KLUGAROVÁ Jitka KLUGAR Miloslav

Year of publication 2019
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Description Colorectal cancer, a malignancy arising from the epithelium of the colon and rectum, is one of the most common forms of cancer. It is a cancer of global importance and represents one of the most significant public health problems. The global incidence is approximately 1.3 million newly diagnosed cases per year and the mortality rate is more than 600 000 cases per year. This clinical guideline addresses the issue of early colorectal cancer (stages I-II) and focuses on 6 areas: endoscopy: diagnosis, endoscopic treatment, preoperative diagnosis and surgical treatment, adjuvant treatment and dispensary.

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