Publication details

The latest progress of data fusion for integrated disaster reduction intelligence service


LIU Jiping KONEČNÝ Milan DU Qingyun XU Shenghua REN Fu CHE Xianghong

Year of publication 2021
Type Special-purpose publication
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Description Looking back over the past decade, superstorms, wildfires, floods, geological hazards, and monster earthquakes have taken unimaginable tolls all over the planet. In 2020, nearly 138 million people suffered from various natural disasters throughout China, where 591 people died and disappeared, and 5.89 million people were relocated for emergency resettlement. This led to direct economic losses of 370.15 billion CNY. With the advances of data acquisition technologies, i.e. remote sensing and Internet of Things, disaster-related data can be collected rapidly and easily. However, disaster-related data vary in the acquiring methodology and, as such, vary in geographic scope and resolution; thus, how to fuse various disaster-related data is of significance for emergency disaster reduction (Liu et al. 2020).

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