Publication details

Internal and external request modifications used by Czech university students in English as a foreign language



Year of publication 2021
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Citation LAHODOVÁ VALIŠOVÁ, Marie. Internal and external request modifications used by Czech university students in English as a foreign language. In BCLSE Conference in Brno, 15 – 16 September 2021. 2021.
Description This paper presents the findings of a study of the interlanguage pragmatic competence of Czech university students in making requests in English (L2). The aim of the study was to find the internal and external request modifications, and their frequency of use. Data were elicited using an open-ended written discourse completion task (WDCT), all scenarios were designed with regard to the following variables: social distance and social status/power. The quantitative analysis showed that Czech learners tend to use grounders as external request modifications – when providing explanations, reasons or justifications for their requests, whereas the lexical downgrader please was employed most often as the internal request modification. The findings indicate that Czech learners of English as L2 tend to employ a limited range of internal and external modifications irrespective of the formality or informality of the situation.
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