Publication details

Kyberkriminalita v době krize se zaměřením na pachatele - právnické osoby

Title in English Cybercriminality in times of crisis with a focus on perpetrators - legal entities


Year of publication 2021
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Bratislavské právnické fórum 2021
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

web Open access sborníku
Keywords cybercriminality; coronavirus; criminal liability of legal entities
Description The term cybercrime is to be understood as a crime that is not only committed in cyberspace (narrower concept of cybercrime), but also one that has any connection with cyberspace (broader concept of cybercrime). This paper will deal with cybercrime in its broader sense, i.e. crime for which it is sufficient for any partial stage of the crime to have any connection with cyberspace. The paper with such a broadly defined concept of cybercrime will be further oriented to the intersection of two other specifics, the first of which is the specifics of placing cybercrime in the context of a global coronavirus pandemic, the second is the specificity of emphasizing the perpetrator, who is or may be a legal entity. The paper aims to first define and evaluate individual types of cybercrime and then use police statistics to specify the representation of individual types of cybercrime in cybercrime as a whole. Subsequently, these individual types of cybercrime will be analysed in relation to the two already mentioned specifics.
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