Publication details

Testování antimikrobiální citlivosti teplotně stabilizovaných endolysinů

Title in English Antimicrobial susceptibility testing of thermally stabilized endolysins


Year of publication 2021
Type Conference abstract
Citation VACEK, Lukáš, Šárka KOBZOVÁ, Michaela KOUŘILOVÁ and Lubomír JANDA. Testování antimikrobiální citlivosti teplotně stabilizovaných endolysinů (Antimicrobial susceptibility testing of thermally stabilized endolysins). In II. Česko-Slovenský kongres Mezioborové přístupy v hojení ran. 2021. ISBN 978-80-01-06921-9.
Description Endolysins are phage-encoded peptidoglycan hydrolases that play an essential role in the release of the phage progeny to the environment while destroying the bacterial cell. Endolysins display strong lytic activity, particularly in Gram-positive bacteria with no protective outer cell membrane. In our study, we aim to improve the thermal stability of these enzymes to achieve better antimicrobial properties. Existing endolysin F1 was altered employing protein engineering, and stabilizing mutations were introduced into the structure. An increase in the thermal stability of novel enzymes was verified by a thermal shift assay. Antimicrobial susceptibility testing was performed by recording bacterial growth curves over 24-hour cultivation of two methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus strains for each enzyme variant in concentrations ranging from 0.78 to 50 µg/mL. These measurements confirmed that the introduction of stabilizing mutations improved antimicrobial properties. Modified endolysins proved to be more stable in time (the antimicrobial effect lasted longer, up to 20 hours), and lower concentrations were needed to reduce bacterial counts (3 µg/mL). These results will help the effort to use endolysins in the fields of medicine and biotechnology.

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