Publication details

Dopady novely trestního řádu provedené zákonem č. 333/2020 na základní zásady trestního řízení

Title in English Impacts of the Amendment to the Criminal Procedure Code Introduced by Law No. 333/2020 Coll. on Fundamental Principles of Criminal Procedure


Year of publication 2021
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Bulletin advokacie
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

web Open access časopisu
Keywords Criminal Procedure; Fundamental Principles; Law no. 333/2020 Coll.
Attached files
Description The article focuses on certain effects of the amendment to the criminal regulations brought by Act No. 333/2020 Coll. in terms of the basic principles of Czech criminal procedure. The mentioned amendment introduced some important changes to the Code of Criminal Procedure (statement ot the indictment, extended applicability of an angreement on guilt and punishment and of uncontested facts, as well as the new concept of a declaration of guilt) which modify the existing nature of criminal proceedings to some extent. The concepts in question, which collide considerably with the basic principles of criminal procedure or rather make exemptions from these principles, represent a significant stept towards Anglo-American model of criminal procedure.

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