Publication details

Zahlazení odsouzení a jeho užití ve správním trestání

Title in English The removing convictions - conditions for the application of this institute in the field of administrative punishments

VALC Jakub

Year of publication 2021
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Správní právo
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

web Repozitář MU
Keywords Removing convictions;criminal offence;administrative offence;analogy
Attached files
Description The removing convictions can be considered a stable legal institute, which under specific conditions allows the elimination of the consequences associated with the previous criminal conviction. A more complicated situation arises if we want to define the conditions for the application of this institute in the field of administrative punishments. My intention was to show that even the adoption of a new offence law and related legislation has not led to the establishment of clear conditions for the application of the removing a conviction, what means, that these conditions have to be derived from the decision-making of administrative authorities and by the case-law of the courts in the area of administrative justice.

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