Publication details

Prečo ľudia volia populistickú radikálnu pravicu? Geografická analýza volebnej podpory populistickej radikálnej pravice v Česku a na Slovensku

Title in English Why do People Vote for a Populist Radical Right? Geographical Analysis of Populist Radical Right Support in Czechia and Slovakia


Year of publication 2021
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Sociológia - Slovak Sociological Review
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Keywords Populist radical right; theory of cleavages; grievance theory; regression analysis; Czechia; Slovakia
Description Nowadays, the electoral success of the populist radical right is increasing across Europe. The objective of the study is to identify social factors which can potentially explain the geographical variability of the populist radical right in Czechia and Slovakia. The empirical analysis was based on multiple regression analysis. The results have shown that populist radical right parties in Czechia have larger support in districts with a lower voter turnout in the elections to the European parliament. And the share of the population with Slovak nationality is the most crucial factor for populist radical parties in Slovakia.
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