Publication details

Anledningen til å jobbe fritt (Milada Blekastads virksomhet)

Title in English An Apportunity to Work Freely (Milada Blekastad's Activities)


Year of publication 2021
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Studia Scandinavica
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

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Keywords Milada Blekastad; Bourdieu; cultural transfer; symbolic capital; translation
Description The article is about Milada Blekastad (1917–2003), translator, writer, and university lecturer. Born in Prague, she spent most of her life in Norway, translated books from Czech to Norwegian and vice versa. Blekastad was also a scholar focusing on the work of Jan Amos Comenius (1592–1670). What circumstances shaped the mutually enriching relationship between Blekastad and the Norwegian intellectual, academic, and cultural environments? What drove her rising social trajectory? To answer these questions, the author looks at the social fields Milada Blekastad operated in, at her habitus, and at the cultural and economic capital she managed to turn into symbolic capital in a country that was not her homeland.
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