Publication details

Tema samoubijstva u F. M. Dostojevskogo i L. Andrejeva kak aksiologičeskij vopros

Title in English The Topic of Suicide Seen by Dostoevsky and Andreev as an Axiological Question


Year of publication 2021
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Revitalizace hodnot : Umění a literatura V
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords F. M. Dostoevsky; L. N. Andreev; suicide; axiological approach to suicide; value of life
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Description The question of suicide, connected with a deep interest in the mental world of the individual, binds both Russian writers. The article is aimed at comparing two short journal texts, published in connection with specific events on which both Dostoevsky and Andreev responded. F. M. Dostoevsky, comparing in his text in the „Diary of the Writer“ two real suicides, proceeds from the understanding of life as a gift from God, a gift that cannot be disdained — that is why he condemns suicide, which, in his opinion, is a blasphemous one. On the contrary, he deeply sympathizes with suicide from the inability to live, but connected with a sense of guilt to God for human weakness. L. N. Andreev, speaking about the „epidemic of suicides“, distinguishes two types of suicides—the sluggish, who deprive themselves of life from weakness, and the strong, who end only when all possibilities to live are exhausted and when it is necessary to show that there are also higher values than personal life.
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