Publication details

Informační systém pro podporu odstraňování bariér ve městě

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Title in English Information system to support the removal of urban barriers


Year of publication 2021
Type Software
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description The information system for supporting the removal of barriers in the city is a solution created on the basis of qualitative research and testing, which allows municipalities to collect suggestions on barriers in the city from citizens and effectively address them with the participation of all stakeholders. The benefit for IS users is the streamlining of the whole process of barrier resolution and its continuous documentation and evaluation. The system consists of two parts (public and non-public) and emphasises the robustness of the solution - the components are loosely coupled and can be modified or replaced as needed and are relatively easy to move between technology infrastructure providers. Great emphasis was placed on the accessibility of the entire solution for users with different types of disadvantages. The result was handed over to the application guarantor of the project Strategic tools for the creation of barrier-free space in the form of a handover protocol.
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