Publication details

První chvíle studentů v prostředí univerzity: Pomoct, anebo je nechat, ať se naučí plavat?

Title in English Students' first moments in a university environment: Help them or let them learn by themselves?


Year of publication 2021
Type Workshop
Description Imagine a first-year student who is 19 years old and has just moved to Brno from a small village in northern Moravia. If we ask her, "What was your first meeting with the university?" and "What was your first day like?" We often come across the answer: "I didn't know where to go if I was going to the right building. I was nervous and I didn't know anyone." This is a situation that usually happens to newcomers during their first meetings with the university, the faculty and teachers. A discussion on Students' first moments in a university environment: Helping or letting them learn by themselves? Reveal how we can make it easier for students to get started in the new environment and why it is important to pay attention to them.
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