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Výsledky projektu k vytvoření metodiky komunitních programů ochrany zdraví dětí a rodiny se zaměřením na dětskou obezitu, výživu a pohyb

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Title in English Results of a project to develop a methodology for community-based child and family health programmes focusing on childhood obesity, nutrition and physical activity


Year of publication 2021
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Hygiena
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Keywords child obesity; obesity prevention; lifestyle; intervention
Description Objectives: The aim of the project was development of a methodology for community-based child and family health-protection, focused on nutrition, physical activity and prevention of child obesity. The prevention of the latter is the primary objective of this project. Methods: The article presents the basis, procedures and results that have led to the design of an intervention system. Literature research of selected issues and a questionnaire survey of parents with pre-school children were combined to identify the barriers to leading a healthy lifestyle and behaviour that avoids obesity. On the basis of acquired data an intervention system was proposed, subsequently tested in a pilot study and adjusted accordingly. Results: The resulting methodology is based on the principle of encouraging the parents of pre-school children towards a lifestyle that does not promote obesity. At the core of the system is a web application “Obesity is not hereditary” which enables users to participate in a programme of intervention activities. It comprises offline contact activities and indicators for assessment of its efficacy. Conclusion: Encouragement of parents and optimisation of the family is the basis of this methodology; as a result, transmission of behaviour patterns by upbringing and example can be expected. Emphasis is given to the barriers that prevent acceptance of healthy lifestyles, as well as financial support or undemanding activities and attitudes that could become a permanent fixture in the lifestyles of all families, including those that are socially deprived.
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