Publication details

Cofola International 2021. International and National Arbitration – Challenges and Trends of the Present and Future



Year of publication 2021
Type Editing of thematic compilation, editing of monothematic issue of profesional journal
Description Apart from international arbitration, where common state approaches may be seen, e.g. in the field of recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards, some contributions focus on national arbitration, which can bring a comparative point of view of arbitration in different states. Several contributions relate to investment arbitration, in particular, following the Achmea decision. From the most up-to-date topics, some papers are devoted to the COVID-19 pandemic or blockchain technology and their impact on arbitration. Also, the so-called Macao arbitration framework statutory established in 2020 by China will be presented. Traditional topics such as determining the applicability of non-state body of law or rules of law in arbitration or the institute of public policy exception are also included. Arbitration and the issue of double taxation may also bring attention and be beneficial to conference diversity.respective obligations are discussed.

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